Player Characters.
(All images on this section are courtesy of Rach Drummond)
Clyw Furton.
Clyw's Backstory: An urbanite of the large cities of the northern Wilderlands, the City State of the Invincible Overlord, Warwik and Modron. In fact of mixed Tharbrian and Altanian blood, but he considers himself “civilized", and would be shocked to learn he has actual close 'barbarian' Altanian kin. A born gambler with a keen eye who can't resist taking a risk for a potential payoff, Clyw is a devotee of Lady Luck. He is also a bit of a practiced hand at opening a lock quicker than a doxy's bodice. But the Lady's favors can be fickle. Ergo, having fell afoul of a powerful Burgher in the City State, he thought it 'prudent' to make himself scarce for a while... er, perhaps for quite some time would be better.
Longterm Goals: Comfort, wealth and all the trappings that go with it... what any mildly hedonistic but convivial rogue dreams of... Clyw's fortunes have definitely turned for the better in the meanwhile. But he has a proven penchant for spending coin as quickly as it is gained (though in some cases to good end). If fortune should lead back North, returning to the City State would likely necessitate resolving the 'unfinished business' there... but Clyw is content to see relationship(s) with his current associates prosper, as discovering oneself to be among those few named in an ancient prophesy tends to inflate one's personal ego.
Earendil is a noble born Veridian cleric of Mitra The All-Seeing, Friend of Man, and Lord of Justice. Raised & groomed to rule from birth among his cruel, tyrannical people, none the less, novice Mer Shunnan of Armadad Bog Earendil was changed by the atrocities, slaughter & persecution he witnessed in the Desert lands. Though Mycretians (& outright innocents) were the main target of the purges, it was instead the efforts of a priest & a paladin of Mitra that convinced him to not only abandon his people's god & imperial ways, but to actively oppose them. The passive Mycr was not for him, Mitra's call to justice & fair laws to organize society spoke to his soul. Upon his return to Viridistan, he & his heretical brother were quickly betrayed by his family, and, being noble, were not slain outright, but instead sent into slavery. This didn't last at all, as he & some other victims escaped their bondage almost immediately. Escape soon changed to opposition, and seeking to subvert, or defeat the empire, as best he could, with allies of good heart, and varied backgrounds.
Earendil, other than possessing an indomitable willpower, a strong sense of order & justice, and the benefits of an esoteric, sorcerous, clerical & noble education, is otherwise, a rather average man. His ability to channel the power, flame & light of Mitra has grown quickly, probably as he exercises it very frequently indeed; this can & does also tend to get him into trouble, as magic is outlawed in the empire, and problems, or combat, that might be better solved otherwise, gets a large dose of Mitra's light anyway! His confidence in Mitra's power borders on the over-confident. Of late, he has increasingly become able to commune directly with Mitra; this likely will have a large effect on his course of action henceforth. His background, a member of the .01%, has also left him quite ignorant, or even naive, about a surprising number of things, although, unlike his fellows, he does not mock or be cruel to others due the circumstances of their birth.
Earendil still enjoys nice things, and takes them for granted, but he is not attached to them, he will sacrifice them for the good of others in need. He also can do without them...fairly well. A figurine of wondrous power, an ebony fly called Beelzebub, has been a longtime, if infrequent, mount, after it's recovery alongside a wizard companion. "Wind Song", a magnificent Elven horse, has changed a long skepticism about equestrianism recently (blame the amazons). The elves of Actun have granted him elven sight and fine elfin mail; aside from those, his silk rope and precious religious paraphernalia are his main possessions. He sometimes carries a weapon; a spear, or a staff, but they are used as walking sticks; he's never really fought with them. A recent find, a holy relic, a ring, has him excited.
Earendil's long term goals are basically the same ones he's had since he became a priest of Mitra: To overthrow the emperor of Viridistan, and to completely stamp out the evil religions & cults of his people (Mer Shunnans, & the Natchai). He foresees Mitra bringing justice & peaceful relations with Viristan's neighbors thereafter. Perhaps because such goals were (absurdly) lofty, his plans for "after" have been, and remain, somewhat vague. Mitra will light his way, though, he is certain.
(All images on this section are courtesy of Rach Drummond)
Clyw Furton.
Clyw's Backstory: An urbanite of the large cities of the northern Wilderlands, the City State of the Invincible Overlord, Warwik and Modron. In fact of mixed Tharbrian and Altanian blood, but he considers himself “civilized", and would be shocked to learn he has actual close 'barbarian' Altanian kin. A born gambler with a keen eye who can't resist taking a risk for a potential payoff, Clyw is a devotee of Lady Luck. He is also a bit of a practiced hand at opening a lock quicker than a doxy's bodice. But the Lady's favors can be fickle. Ergo, having fell afoul of a powerful Burgher in the City State, he thought it 'prudent' to make himself scarce for a while... er, perhaps for quite some time would be better.
Longterm Goals: Comfort, wealth and all the trappings that go with it... what any mildly hedonistic but convivial rogue dreams of... Clyw's fortunes have definitely turned for the better in the meanwhile. But he has a proven penchant for spending coin as quickly as it is gained (though in some cases to good end). If fortune should lead back North, returning to the City State would likely necessitate resolving the 'unfinished business' there... but Clyw is content to see relationship(s) with his current associates prosper, as discovering oneself to be among those few named in an ancient prophesy tends to inflate one's personal ego.
Earendil is a noble born Veridian cleric of Mitra The All-Seeing, Friend of Man, and Lord of Justice. Raised & groomed to rule from birth among his cruel, tyrannical people, none the less, novice Mer Shunnan of Armadad Bog Earendil was changed by the atrocities, slaughter & persecution he witnessed in the Desert lands. Though Mycretians (& outright innocents) were the main target of the purges, it was instead the efforts of a priest & a paladin of Mitra that convinced him to not only abandon his people's god & imperial ways, but to actively oppose them. The passive Mycr was not for him, Mitra's call to justice & fair laws to organize society spoke to his soul. Upon his return to Viridistan, he & his heretical brother were quickly betrayed by his family, and, being noble, were not slain outright, but instead sent into slavery. This didn't last at all, as he & some other victims escaped their bondage almost immediately. Escape soon changed to opposition, and seeking to subvert, or defeat the empire, as best he could, with allies of good heart, and varied backgrounds.
Earendil, other than possessing an indomitable willpower, a strong sense of order & justice, and the benefits of an esoteric, sorcerous, clerical & noble education, is otherwise, a rather average man. His ability to channel the power, flame & light of Mitra has grown quickly, probably as he exercises it very frequently indeed; this can & does also tend to get him into trouble, as magic is outlawed in the empire, and problems, or combat, that might be better solved otherwise, gets a large dose of Mitra's light anyway! His confidence in Mitra's power borders on the over-confident. Of late, he has increasingly become able to commune directly with Mitra; this likely will have a large effect on his course of action henceforth. His background, a member of the .01%, has also left him quite ignorant, or even naive, about a surprising number of things, although, unlike his fellows, he does not mock or be cruel to others due the circumstances of their birth.
Earendil still enjoys nice things, and takes them for granted, but he is not attached to them, he will sacrifice them for the good of others in need. He also can do without them...fairly well. A figurine of wondrous power, an ebony fly called Beelzebub, has been a longtime, if infrequent, mount, after it's recovery alongside a wizard companion. "Wind Song", a magnificent Elven horse, has changed a long skepticism about equestrianism recently (blame the amazons). The elves of Actun have granted him elven sight and fine elfin mail; aside from those, his silk rope and precious religious paraphernalia are his main possessions. He sometimes carries a weapon; a spear, or a staff, but they are used as walking sticks; he's never really fought with them. A recent find, a holy relic, a ring, has him excited.
Earendil's long term goals are basically the same ones he's had since he became a priest of Mitra: To overthrow the emperor of Viridistan, and to completely stamp out the evil religions & cults of his people (Mer Shunnans, & the Natchai). He foresees Mitra bringing justice & peaceful relations with Viristan's neighbors thereafter. Perhaps because such goals were (absurdly) lofty, his plans for "after" have been, and remain, somewhat vague. Mitra will light his way, though, he is certain.
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